Belief Systems

Description (in English)

Belife Systems presents speculative scenarios of how emotion (micro expression) detection will be used. The scenarios are quite dark implying that we will get conditioned by emotion detection machines to behave as good citizens and consumers.

"Facial micro expressions last less than a second and are almost impossible to control. They are hard wired to the emotional activity in the brain which can be easily captured using specially developed technological devices. Free will is now in question as the science exposes decision-making as an emotional process rather than a rational one. This ability to read emotions technologically result in a society obsessed with their emotional reactions. Emotions, convictions and beliefs which usually remain hidden, now become a public matter. “Belief systems” is a video scenario about a society that responds to the challenges of modern neuroscience by embracing these technological possibilities to read, evaluate and alter peoples behaviours and emotions." Bernhard HopfengĂ€rnter Website, retrieved June 25, 2019.

Situation machine vision is used in
Linda: Here my reading quite differs from Linn Heidi's so maybe a third opinion would be needed.
I changed the sentiment from Helpful to Creepy and Oppressive. I also added Dystopia.

After discussing on discord and getting backup for changing this I changed the record status to two or more people have agreed upon this

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