Probably Chelsea

Description (in English)

In Probably Chelsea Heather Dewey-Hagborg analyses DNA received from Chelsea E. Manning (activist, whistleblower and trans woman). As in her earlier works Heather creates 3D facial prints to of “DNA mugshots” algorithmically-generated (machine learning) by an analysis of Chelseas DNA (“Forensic DNA Phenotyping” (FDP) or “molecular photofitting”). However, to show the uncertainty of  DNA to predict gender or race Heather produces 30 possible interpretations of the DNA data. The artwork brings to light that as any biometric data also DNA lends it self to multiple interpretations and “most genetic variations only predict the likelihood of phenotypic traits, but they determine nothing”. The artwork questions the accuracy of “DNA mugshots” a technology already used in forensics highlighting how human and technical cognition entwine in such technologies as interpretation occurs on many levels.
A more detailed description of used tech here:

Situation machine vision is used in

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