Solar Opposites

Description (in English)

An alien family is forced to live in the US while trying to fix their spaceship after a crash. The family consists of Korvo, a brilliant scientist and inventor who wants to leave Earth asap; Terry, who is a bit silly and very fascinated by Earth; Yumyulack and Jesse, both in school; Pupa, an infant alien.

This entry is based on episode 6, season 1: "The P.A.T.R.I.C.I.A. Device", where Korvo and Terry create a "manc cave" and a robot based on female sitcom characters, who's programmed to hate the man cave. After receiving conflicting orders from Korvo and Terry, P.A.T.R.I.C.I.A. transforms to a killer robot hunting all man caves and "filthy men" in the area.

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