What a Ghost Dreams Of

Description (in English)

What is a “ghost”? Generally it is understood as an inner “soul” and a mysterious outward appearance. What a Ghost Dreams Of grapples with a new “ghost” of our time: digital surveillance in our society. Visitors are observed by a large “eye” when they come in. Everyone who passes by is fed by computer vision directly into a “ghost” that creates new digital faces of people who do not exist in the real world. What do we humans project into the digital counterpart we are creating with AI? It is getting to know our world without prior knowledge and generating data that never existed. What are the effects of using AI to produce works of art? Who holds the copyright? And what is AI, the “ghost,” dreaming about, and what does that mean for us as human beings? Ars Electronica What a Ghost Dreams of, retrieved February 18, 2020.

Using facial detection the artwork captures all entering visitors and using a GAN the "ghost" in the machine generates new images of faces (that never existed) based on the captured images. The visitors become add to the training data of the neural network. The images are displayed on several screens when entering and a black and white image on a final screen is always showing the most unique of all previously generated faces..

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