Autonomous Trap 001 (Trapping a Self-Driving Car)

Brief description

Autonomous car is being "trapped" by the old magic trick of the salt circle. The car can not exit the circle because it can not break the rules it has learned.

Work that the situation appears in

Title Publication Type Year Creator
Autonomous Trap 001 Art, Video art, Performance art James Bridle
Aesthetic characteristics
Machine P.O.V
Not machine P.O.V.
I love the pagan salt circle connection, I hadn't thought of that! I added Slow, Mountains. I'm not sure how to describe this - but the speed of the video feels very slow to me, and at the end nothing happens except the car is still and a bird flies past. Also, although the colours are kind of dull and washed-out, the video is set in a typical car advertisement beautiful mountainous scene. Except it's not vivid and lively like a car ad. So I added Grey and Washed-Out to the colours. Is that OK, do you think? -Jill

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