Blade Runner 2049 (Remote drone attack by Luv)

Brief description

1:00:59 - The viewer sees Luv sitting in a chair with a glasses-like digital device over her eyes, which she uses to remotely defend K, who was attacked while he was searching for an orphanage important for the case. Immediately after, we see what she sees, a bird-eye view of the scene, and she uses verbal commands both to move the view and to target. She kills several people who belong to the group that ambushed K. In the film, the drones are normally used for such tasks, which makes the possibility of a human-navigated craft in this scene minimal, even though the viewer never actually sees this particular drone directly, only its light through some fog.

Work that the situation appears in

Title Publication Type Year Creator
Blade Runner 2049 Narrative, Movie Denis Villeneuve
Aesthetic characteristics
Machine P.O.V
Not machine P.O.V.

Authored by
