Love, Death and Robots (Suzy coordinates via hologram)

Brief description

In episode 2 (Beyond the Aquila) of Love, Death and Robots is about a crew travelling in space. In the first scene Suzy is using a hologram to enter the coordinates for their journey. After the crew enters a tank, where they fall asleep while travelling through space. When they wake up, they are not where they expected. The Captain is facing a fake reality and when he asks for the truth he is looking like a corpse inside a huge alien organism. The person who he thought was his friend is actually an alien monster (although a kind one). Note: This fake reality is an "alien vision" rather than MV since there is no indication that aliens operates with machine technology. 

Work that the situation appears in

Title Publication Type Year Creator
Love, Death & Robots Narrative, TV series or episode Tim Miller
Who does what?
Machine P.O.V
Not machine P.O.V.

Authored by
