Mono no Aware (Video Feed)

Brief description

As the habitat module (the part of the Hopeful where the inhabitants live) has no windows, everything from the outside is recorded using surveillance cameras. In one situation Hiroto is watching the live feed of a camera showing the receding sun, and in another he is watching a recording from a different camera. Both situations are recorded in the database as one, as they are near identical in sentiment and execution. 

As Hiroto watches the receding sun and stars, there is a sense of silent melancholy, as he witnesses the distance they are travelling away from the planet and solar system he once called home.

Pull Quotes

There are no windows in the habitat module, no casual view of the stars streaming past. Most people don’t care, having grown bored of seeing the stars long ago. But I like looking through the cameras mounted on the bottom of the ship so that I can gaze at this view of the receding, reddish glow of our sun, our past.

Afterwards we lie next to each other, gazing up at my ceiling monitor. I keep looping on it a view of the receding star field. Mindy works in navigation, and she records the high-resolution cockpit video feed for me.

Work that the situation appears in

Title Publication Type Year Creator
Mono no Aware Narrative, Short story Ken Liu
Who does what?
Aesthetic characteristics
Machine P.O.V
Not machine P.O.V.

Authored by
