Pattern Recognition (Finding Cayce using nightvision)

Brief description

Cayce has been kidnapped and she escaped her captureres. She is lost and cold in the forest, just as a chopper lands and Parkaboy steps out to rescue her. He found her by using night vision binoculars.

Pull Quotes

She tries to get to her feet, but suddenly he`s there, hands on her shoulders. "Don`t. Stay put." The wierd one-eyed binoculars are dangling a few inches from her face. He Straightens p, turning into the glare. He waves to the helicopter. "If they hadn`t had these night vision glasses," he says, over his shouider, "We might not have found you." p. 328

Work that the situation appears in

Title Publication Type Year Creator
Pattern Recognition Narrative, Novel William Gibson
Who does what?
This technology
This character
This character
Machine P.O.V
Not machine P.O.V.

Authored by
