The Rain (Tricking drone's thermal imaging)

Brief description

The group hides under a silver metallic insulation-like fabric to avoid being seen by the Strangers' thermal imaging drone. The drone finds a woman without any cloaking instead. After hiding, the group tries to help the woman by killing the two Strangers, but she cuts herself and is contaminated, so Martin shoots her before she turns.

Work that the situation appears in

Title Publication Type Year Creator
The Rain Narrative, TV series or episode Jannik Tai Mosholt
Machine P.O.V
Machine P.O.V.
The group is a postapocalyptic paramilitary/militia with a criminal/guerrilla base, but I used "military". Also, I used Martin and Simone as representatives for the group, because they have unique actions in the scene. -R
I think military is close enough. -Jill 30.11.2020

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