Reflectacles (Wearing infrared-blocking glasses)

Brief description

The Kickstarter presents a clear situation in which the glasses are to be worn: "Wear IRpair & Phantom to protect your identity from unregulated facial recognition." Some of the glasses simply block infrared so as to obscure the eyes, while the frames of some models additionally have "infrared reflective material to defeat facial recognition", so surveillance cameras are blinded. Screenshots are from the Kickstarter promo video.

Work that the situation appears in

Title Publication Type Year Creator
Reflectacles Art Scott Urban
Who does what?
Aesthetic characteristics
Machine P.O.V
Not machine P.O.V.
In my coding, I treated the machine vision as being the surveillance cameras and facial recognition systems, not the IR spectacles. Thus, the operator is the government, and the viewed is the wearer of the spectacles. - Jill, Sept 2019
I changed this a bit as we have clearer definitions of entities now. So the surveillance cameras and facial recognition systems is still the tech. The spectacles are coded as object and the user of them as a user (this is now similar to other objects like masks or make-up that I have logged). Government was not as a entity even if you mentioned it, so I added it with the verb surveilling.

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