Restriced Residence (Price photographing radiation)

Brief description

Drawn in by the physical aftermath of the natural disaster, Giles was interested in documenting how the landscape had been altered – both in terms of deconstruction and the radiation. “For some time, I have been working with drones; the capabilities of them fascinate me. This includes thermology, which is used in industrial surveying (for leaks and spillages) as well as search, rescue and medicine (screening for illnesses),” he says. “When I started to think about how to approach the altered environment of the exclusion zone, it was the visual abstractness of the colours rendered by the technology which interested me, not its scientific applications.” Colour was therefore his muse as he set out to capture the day-to-day life of the towns – along with the people who have decided to return – with intense thermal imagery and a hefty dose of post-production.

Work that the situation appears in

Title Publication Type Year Creator
Restricted Residence Art, Photograph/print/painting Giles Price
Who does what?
Aesthetic characteristics
Machine P.O.V
Not machine P.O.V.

Authored by
