Utopian Extraction (revealing Generic Nature)

Brief description

Work 1 _ Utopian Extraction reveals various sites of "Generic Nature" in other words sites that were or are planned, either to be destroyed or re-constructed to generate nature. For example artifical mountains, green parks covering waste land or sand-mountains transforming wetlands to parks. Machine vision technologies such as satellite images and drone footage is used to reveal enormous construction sites as the generic landscapes are shaped in line with the 3D generated plans of green landscapes. Referencing to the 3D generated utopias of green spaces in "smart" or "echo" cities the artists are using animated 3D scans of themselves in the "Generic Nature" scenarios. By juxtapositioning their artificially re-constructed bodies into these scenes the unrealness of such green utopias are exposed. For example Unmake Lab artist Binna Choi's 3D scanned body placed on a generic human made mountain links the digitally generated withe the physically generic. 

Work that the situation appears in

Title Publication Type Year Creator
Utopian Extraction Art, Video art, Performance art unmake lab
Aesthetic characteristics
Machine P.O.V
Not machine P.O.V.

Authored by
