For Want of a Nail (Fingerprint recognition)

Brief description

Rava is forced to use her authorisation as a wrangler to get Cordelia (AI) to tell the truth about Uncle Georgo, which turns out to beĀ that he hasĀ dementia. Something resembling a fingerprint scan is used by Cordelia to identify Rava as the wrangler. (Kindle Loc 190)

Pull Quotes

"She swallowed and put her hand on Cordelia's interface setting her thumb on the print reader. "Authorized report. What is Uncle Georgo's status?"
Cordelia lowered her head, biting her lip. "He has dementia."

Work that the situation appears in

Title Publication Type Year Creator
For Want of a Nail Narrative, Short story Mary Robinette Kowal
Who does what?
This character
This technology
This character
Machine P.O.V
Not machine P.O.V.
I was redistributing the verbs so that they are not repeated several times but more specifically connected to the tech that is actually doing the verb. So instead of having Scanning, Recognizing, Verifying on Cordelia, general AI and Biometrics they are doing a bit different things. Based on the description and the pulled quote I also added that Cordelia (general AI tech) is documented and Uncle Georgo Documented as she draws a report on him. (Linda)

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