15 minutes of biometric fame (maching faces to celeberties)

Brief description

The user is approach by a camera moving on a circular track and mounted on a crane. When the facial recognition technology in the camera detects a face it compares the users face and their characteristics with a pre-selected data base of “celebrity” faces.  When the user is matched to a celebrity the machine vision application classifies the users face according to one of 12 categories range from artist to rock or porn star through to soap actor and musician (matching the label of the celebrity). Then the image of the person is uploaded to the internet, accopanied with the assigned label and hence promoted to instant stardom.

Work that the situation appears in

Title Publication Type Year Creator
15 minutes of biometric fame Art, Installation art Marnix de Nijs
Aesthetic characteristics
Machine P.O.V
Not machine P.O.V.

Authored by
