Black Mirror: Rachel, Jack and Ashley too (Ashley is a hologram)

Brief description

Catherine is sick of dealing with her nephew Ashley, and continues to exploit her while she is in a coma. She uses footage of her to create a synthetic double of her and project it as a hologram in order to have live shows without having to deal with Ashley's musical preferences.

Work that the situation appears in

Title Publication Type Year Creator
Black Mirror Narrative, TV series or episode Charlie Brooker
Aesthetic characteristics
Machine P.O.V
Not machine P.O.V.
Not sure what to tag this, it could be AR, Image generation, hologram, and I went for deep fakes (since the focus is very much on exploiting the character.)
But I could need a second opinion on this one. -LH
Now we have the holograms technology, so I changed the Technologies to hologram, deep fake. -Jill 04.06.2020
All confirmed!

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