A tall, threatening figure stands behind a child. The child, who is using a smartphone and has a biometric grid painted on his face, appears to be unaware of the figure. The figure is wearing a black business suit covered in green zeros and ones, its head is a surveillance camera and its hands are large, yellow and cartoonish. The hands reference Mr. Burns, a character in The Simpsons who owns a nuclear power plant and uses surveillance cameras to monitor his employees. Mr. Burns commonly says "Excellent" while steeling his yellow three-fingered hands exactly as the surveillance man in the painting holds them. The surveillance man looms over the child, and his yellow glove-like fingers are held in a cage-like grip, as though he is about to grab the child and capture him. The green zeroes and ones reference The Matrix, while the surveillance camera head is photorealistic. The child seems oblivious to the threatening figure behind him, and at the same time seems very vulnerable, seated in a typical child's pose on the ground, completely engrossed in his smartphone screen. In the "upgrade" where the face mask is painted upon the boy's face, the reference to COVID-19 and surveillance related to that becomes even more explicit than in the first version of the piece.
Brief description
Who does what?
This character
This character
This technology
This technology
Aesthetic characteristics
Machine P.O.V
Not machine P.O.V.
Record Status
Authored by