Have a Nice Day (Yellow Eye uses X-ray glasses and smashes cameras)

Brief description

Seeing Xiao Zhang sleeping in an internet cafe, Huangyan uses his X-ray glasses to scan the bag he is holding and realizes that it is full of banknotes. A POV shot shows how Huangyan sees through the glasses, with a green-bluish overlay revealing the contents of the bag. After putting Xiao Zhang to sleep, he drags him and he bag into his van and leaves. While his girlfriend is asking him about the capabilities of X-ray glasses, a flash of light from street traffic surveillance cameras makes him realize that the police might see the bag of cash inside the van and decides to stop and smash the camera's control box with a mallet, getting electrocuted in the process.

Pull Quotes

"Yellow Eye, the binoculars you invented are really useful!"
"What binoculars?"
"What? They are not binoculars?"
"I'm wearing a pair of super VR infrared, invincible X-Ray glasses."
"So, can your super binoculars see through clothes too?"

"Fuck! I wasn't even speeding..."
"Will you be able to sell enough noodles to pay the 200RMB fine?"
"The money is busted! Wait in the van."

Work that the situation appears in

Title Publication Type Year Creator
Have a Nice Day Narrative, Movie Jian Liu
Aesthetic characteristics
Machine P.O.V
Machine P.O.V.

Authored by
