A Memory Called Empire (Holographs)

Brief description

Holographs are common in the fictional world, and are played with or used as information sources and maps by many different characters. 

Pull Quotes

On a broad couch in the center, Five Agte sat with her legs folded under her, lotus-fashion. Above her knee she spun a brightly colored holograph of the City's local solar system, the orbits marked out in glowing-gold arcs and each planet labelled in glyphs Mahit could read from across the room - and standing in front of the holograph, his small hands busy pulling the planets apart and watching them snap back to their appropriate gravitational wells, was a child who couldn't be more than six. 

s. 137

Beyond the door the floor was slate and there were enormous windows, rose-shaded to keep the sky from blazing too much across all the many holograph screens floating in a wide arc of a workspace that surrounded Nineteen Adze in a rough corona. (...) Nineteen Adze banished three holographs with a flick of her wrist: two in text, one that might have been a scale model of Plaza Central Nine from above. Their afterimages glowed

s. 104


Nineteen Adze was immersed in her workspace, rearranging holographs and projections around her with a fluid rythm, so Mahit sat down at the low table where the tea was and waited. 

s. 107

Nineteen Adze had turned her front office into a war room. She stood - as she had before - in the center of a vast sea of holograph projections, arcs upon arcs of them. 

s. 403

Six Direction himself sat in the center of the room on a divan, dressed in resplendent red-purple and gold, and while at home in Palace-Earth he had borne a halo of sunlamps, here in the deep places under the City he was surrounded by a scintillating fortification of information holographs, a migraine aura composed entirely of reports. 

s. 419

We move toward Parzrawantlak Sector, said Six Direction, his face suddenly overlaid with the star-chart of Teixcalaanli space. The City, a golden planet, hovered between his eyes; then the cart shifted, demonstrating the vectors the fleet would take, the points at which they would converge into an unstoppable spearpoint of ships. 

s. 201

Work that the situation appears in

Title Publication Type Year Creator
A Memory Called Empire Narrative, Novel Arkady Martine
Who does what?
Machine P.O.V
Not machine P.O.V.

Authored by
