Minority Report (eyedentiscans)

Brief description

John Anderton tries to hide from PreCrime, but the city is full of retina scans to identify people, and these "eyedentiscans" are also used to pay on the bus or target them for ads. In one specific case, John Anderton undergoes surgery in order to trick retina scanners. 

"Spyders", unmanned remote-controlled ground units, use a thermal scan on the area to find humans and perform forced retina scans on them in order to find the missing John Anderton. The freshly operated Anderton hides in a bathtub full of ice cold water to escape them, but has to emerge to breathe. Fortunately the spyder scans his new retina and accepts his new identity. 

Work that the situation appears in

Title Publication Type Year Creator
Minority Report Narrative, Movie Steven Spielberg
Machine P.O.V
Machine P.O.V.

Authored by
