Replicas (Will deletes Zoe)

Brief description

Will uses a combination of body scan and AR to look through his deceased family brains and memories (His whole family died in a car crash). He can only save the consciousness of 3 family members because there is only 3 pods to transfer the consciousness to. Which leads to a horrible decision on whom he will not be able to save. To avoid the choice, he picks names out of a basket, resulting in his youngest daughter Zoe to be eliminated (or to stay dead). In order to cope with the grief he choose to delete the memories of Zoe in the other family member that he rescues.

Work that the situation appears in

Title Publication Type Year Creator
Replicas Narrative, Movie Jeffrey Nachmanoff
Who does what?
This character
This technology
This character
Aesthetic characteristics
Machine P.O.V
Not machine P.O.V.

Authored by
