Displaying 481 - 490 of 1600
ID | Title | Year | Genre | Creator | Country Sort ascending | URL | Science fiction? | Authored by |
3037 | Tillie and CyberRoberta | Art | Lynn Hershman Leeson | United States | https://www.lynnhershman.com/tillie-and-cyberroberta/ | No | Linda | |
3037 | Tillie and CyberRoberta | Installation art | Lynn Hershman Leeson | United States | https://www.digitalartarchive.at/database/general/work/tilliecyberoberta.html | No | Linda | |
3037 | Tillie and CyberRoberta | Installation art | Lynn Hershman Leeson | United States | https://www.lynnhershman.com/tillie-and-cyberroberta/ | No | Linda | |
3037 | Tillie and CyberRoberta | Online art | Lynn Hershman Leeson | United States | https://www.digitalartarchive.at/database/general/work/tilliecyberoberta.html | No | Linda | |
3037 | Tillie and CyberRoberta | Online art | Lynn Hershman Leeson | United States | https://www.lynnhershman.com/tillie-and-cyberroberta/ | No | Linda | |
3051 | SelfieCity | Art | Lev Manovich | United States | http://www.digitalartarchive.at/index.php?id=54&tx_vafe_pi1%5Bwork%5D=3846&cHash=d5cec3d8b5e957693605989fe3976dc4 | No | Linda | |
3051 | SelfieCity | Art | Lev Manovich | United States | http://selfiecity.net | No | Linda | |
3051 | SelfieCity | Art | Jay Chow | United States | http://www.digitalartarchive.at/index.php?id=54&tx_vafe_pi1%5Bwork%5D=3846&cHash=d5cec3d8b5e957693605989fe3976dc4 | No | Linda | |
3051 | SelfieCity | Art | Jay Chow | United States | http://selfiecity.net | No | Linda | |
3051 | SelfieCity | Art | Moritz Stefaner | United States | http://www.digitalartarchive.at/index.php?id=54&tx_vafe_pi1%5Bwork%5D=3846&cHash=d5cec3d8b5e957693605989fe3976dc4 | No | Linda |