Displaying 11 - 20 of 7986
SituationID Sort descending SituationTitle Genre GenreID Character CharacterID Entity EntityID Technology TechnologyID Verb VerbID
243 Nineteen Eighty-Four (Surveillance cameras) Narrative, Novel 20001, 2000133 Winston Smith 241 Oppressed, Depressed, Censored, Controlled, Evading 2000540, 2000541, 2000542, 2000543, 2000438
243 Nineteen Eighty-Four (Surveillance cameras) Narrative, Novel 20001, 2000133 Winston Smith 241 Oppressed, Depressed, Censored, Controlled, Evading 2000540, 2000541, 2000542, 2000543, 2000438
243 Nineteen Eighty-Four (Surveillance cameras) Narrative, Novel 20001, 2000133 Winston Smith 241 Oppressed, Depressed, Censored, Controlled, Evading 2000540, 2000541, 2000542, 2000543, 2000438
244 The Virtual Watchers (Surveilling the border) Art, Online art 20002, 2000159 Surveillance cameras 200080 Streaming 2000565
244 The Virtual Watchers (Surveilling the border) Art, Online art 20002, 2000159 Government 2000333 Controlling 2000402
244 The Virtual Watchers (Surveilling the border) Art, Online art 20002, 2000159 Immigrant group (The Virtual Watchers) 710 Watched, Controlled 2000355, 2000543
244 The Virtual Watchers (Surveilling the border) Art, Online art 20002, 2000159 Immigrant group (The Virtual Watchers) 710 Watched, Controlled 2000355, 2000543
244 The Virtual Watchers (Surveilling the border) Art, Online art 20002, 2000159 Humans in general 2000356 Monitoring, Reporting, Commenting 2000524, 2000353, 2000711
244 The Virtual Watchers (Surveilling the border) Art, Online art 20002, 2000159 Humans in general 2000356 Monitoring, Reporting, Commenting 2000524, 2000353, 2000711
244 The Virtual Watchers (Surveilling the border) Art, Online art 20002, 2000159 Humans in general 2000356 Monitoring, Reporting, Commenting 2000524, 2000353, 2000711