Displaying 1201 - 1210 of 245097
Title ID Year Country Genre Genre ID Technologies referenced Technologies referenced id Technologies used Technologies used id Topic Topic id Sentiment Sort ascending Sentiment id Situation machine vision is used in Situation machine vision is used in ID Characters Characters ID
Anon 831 Germany Narrative 20001 Ocular implant 2000127 Surveillance 200052 Creepy 2000327 Anon (Naked lesbians murdered) 835 Surveillance Officer (Anon) 836
Anon 831 Germany Narrative 20001 Ocular implant 2000127 Surveillance 200052 Creepy 2000327 Anon (Sal deceives surveillance) 837 Sal Frieland 832
Anon 831 Germany Narrative 20001 Ocular implant 2000127 Surveillance 200052 Creepy 2000327 Anon (Sal deceives surveillance) 837 Anon (Anon) 833
Anon 831 Germany Narrative 20001 Ocular implant 2000127 Surveillance 200052 Creepy 2000327 Anon (Sal deceives surveillance) 837 Cyrus Frear 834
Anon 831 Germany Narrative 20001 Ocular implant 2000127 Surveillance 200052 Creepy 2000327 Anon (Sal deceives surveillance) 837 Surveillance Officer (Anon) 836
Anon 831 Germany Narrative 20001 Ocular implant 2000127 Surveillance 200052 Creepy 2000327 ANON (Augmented Reality Identifying and Classifying) 2966 Sal Frieland 832
Anon 831 Germany Narrative 20001 Ocular implant 2000127 Surveillance 200052 Creepy 2000327 ANON (Augmented Reality Identifying and Classifying) 2966 Anon (Anon) 833
Anon 831 Germany Narrative 20001 Ocular implant 2000127 Surveillance 200052 Creepy 2000327 ANON (Augmented Reality Identifying and Classifying) 2966 Cyrus Frear 834
Anon 831 Germany Narrative 20001 Ocular implant 2000127 Surveillance 200052 Creepy 2000327 ANON (Augmented Reality Identifying and Classifying) 2966 Surveillance Officer (Anon) 836
Anon 831 Canada Narrative 20001 Augmented reality 200074 Crime 200057 Creepy 2000327 Anon (Naked lesbians murdered) 835 Sal Frieland 832