AI Amok (Hundred Eyes tracks Kosuke)

Brief description

Deployed by police officer Makoto Sakuraba, the Hundred Eyes AI is tasked with finding the fugitive Kosuke Kiryu. It immediately starts scanning social media feeds and surveillance camera footage in order to track his face. When he covers his face, the AI starts analyzing his gait and clothing, and guides special forces squads to his location. Eventually, he runs in the sewers and the police deploys "Flies", tiny flying camera drones capable of sending footage to Hundred Eyes, which he smashes before escaping.

Pull Quotes

As long as the electronic equipment is connected to the Internet, it can be tracked. [...] How come? He deliberately avoided the anti-theft monitor. Switch to 3D calculation mode.

(Skeletal information is similar)
(Clothing information has not been confirmed)
(99.8% agreement rate)
(Update clothing information)

Found the suspect.

Tablet device confirmed. Location will be tracked by nearby devices. Suspect has consistent walking certification. Located at 12-4-6, Oshima, Koto-ku, Tokyo. Suspect is running under water in construction. Team 5, please rush to the scene.

A Fly disappeared-the suspect is 30 meters ahead. Kiryu, come out for me! Kiryu!
Confirm the suspect! Stop!
The signal disappeared! Is GPS still there?
Also disappeared-Fly's image also disappeared!

Work that the situation appears in

Title Publication Type Year Creator
AI Amok Narrative, Movie Yû Irie
Who does what?
This character
This technology
This technology
Machine P.O.V
Machine P.O.V.

Authored by
